With rich experience in the field of VoIP we develop and implement for our Customers any solutions in the field of VoIP and PBX ASTERISK. From the basic customizations of the ASTERISK IP PBX for small call centers with 500-1000 calls per day to highly loaded PBX testing systems up to 2000-3000 lines and testing systems and tools for VoIP traffic transit operators.

Here some of our products which were developed for our Customers:

SMS API and SMS request balancer

Aggregates SMS providers and allows you to access a single interface with the most standardized requests.

In the balancer, various SMS providers are configured, in case one of them is unavailable, the system automatically switches to the next supplier at the price and controls the disconnected one, which allows the service to work offline.

The balancer gives a high stability of the service and reduces the expense of funds by sending an SMS request through the supplier with the lowest cost.

Voip traffic Sniffer, Recorder & Analizer

Analyzes VoIP traffic on the network, collects CDR, SIP dialogs, call recording.

Allows the analysis of network traffic VoIP devices operating on the SIP protocol, without directly connecting to them, to remove CDR, SIP-dialogues and call recording.

Applied to:

  • To record conversations and collect CDR soft-switch / office IP-PBX, which do not support such a function or the cost of a similar module is very high;
  • For the work of security services, monitoring and recording of all SIP-traffic of the enterprise.

Audio player for listening to the recording of a conversation with a graphic representation (WEB-module)

Specialized talk recording player in VoIP systems, designed for audio-visual control of call recording.

  • Graphical display of incoming and outgoing audio streams in different channels;
  • Markers of response, and other events.

Visual display of sound allows you to quickly evaluate the recording even without listening, which saves time for analysis of the recording.

Asterisk CDR viewer

MySQL modular table viewer, originally developed for viewing CDR and CEL tables on Asterisk servers.

Due to the modular structure and very flexible settings based on this product, you can build a small and convenient interface for analyzing events that occurred with Asterisk calls.

  • View CEL, SIP-log, Asterisk log file by one call;
  • Audio player to listen to the recording of a conversation with a graphic representation;
  • You can connect external modules with the transfer of necessary information via a get-request;
  • On the basis of this product, the interface “Voip traffic Sniffer, Recorder & Analizer” is built.

A very handy tool for searching and parsing calls that have passed through Asterisk and not only.

Module for collecting and displaying online statistics for our Asterisk-based soft-switches

Collection and display of statistics on current calls on soft-switches of our development based on Asterisk.

  • Shows in real time all calls currently passing through the soft-switch with detailed information on the call, the B-number displays the direction of the call through the code-deck;
  • Flexible grouping and filtering system;
  • Graphic display of soft switch load.


Automated software package for testing the quality of communication service providers.

  • Performs semi-automatic and scheduled tests.
  • Analyzes every call for FAS fraud.
  • For each call, it stores all the basic information, including the SIP dialogue, recording the conversation in separate RTP channels.
  • According to the test results, you can create a TT and give a link to a single test to a third-party user.

Allows you to automate vendor checks and minimize manual tests, which will reduce the number of testers.

API for working and managing GoIP gateways

The API allows you to simultaneously work with multiple GoIP GSM gateways, manage, configure and conduct SMS distribution.

It is part of the GSM Term Platform, can be used separately.

Automation of mass hardware configuration, implementation of any HBE scripts that are not available in the manufacturer’s standard software.

GSM Term Platform

Terminator connectivity, flexible routing, channel usage logic and cost accounting.

Soft-switch with a very flexible and fast routing module, SIM-card protection and using a GSM traffic filter.

  • Low entry threshold for SIM card holders, ready service, soft-switch and billing;
  • Telecom operators will have access to terminators directly.

GSM-traffic filter (Graded traffic filtering for GSM platform)

Multilevel filter traffic by destination/source number to extend the life of SIM cards on the GSM-platform.

Several filtering steps clear the traffic going to SIM cards from unwanted calls, which are responded to by anti-fraud – systems of mobile communication providers.

Allows you to extend the life of a SIM card in GSM termination from 300% or more.